NVI Culture


First Nations pictograph of a tall ship.

“There is a word in our language – maya’xala – equating to respect – respect for each other, and respect for the natural environment we are all guests in.”

—Chief Christopher Roberts, Wei Wai Kum First Nation

The North Vancouver Island sub-region is rich in cultural and natural beauty that can be seen in the wildlife, trees and waters of the area. As First Nations traditional territory, this area is equally rich in First Nations culture and heritage. Protecting this area preserves a record of the past for future generations.

Archaeological features can be found throughout this landscape. From 2019-2020, the NVI Project Team, along with staff from the BC Archaeology Branch; BC Parks; Waters, Lands and Resource Stewardship; and the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR) worked together on an Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Pilot Project. The team advanced components related to communications, archaeology surveys, and joint patrols to increase protection and strengthen the role of Guardians in management and protection of cultural sites.

Through the pilot project, the MaPP Partners produced some educational materials that provide information and guidance for visitors and landowners about archaeological and cultural sites. Beyond the pilot project, the MaPP Partners in NVI remain committed to developing educational materials that lead to better understanding of the unique cultural heritage found in NVI. You can learn more about that work through the links below.

“The loss of an archaeological site is significant. Those sites have our stories and history embedded in them. When those places are damaged, we never get the opportunity to read that book again.”

—Chief Ken Price, K’ómoks

Brochures and Information Sheets: Covering general information and answers to FAQ’s

Zip Files of Brochures and Information Sheets in various formats for download

 Videos and Social Media: Highlighting MaPP and Nanwakolas’ most recent work encouraging respectful visitation

First Nations Websites: Including Nation-specific resources

BC Archaeology Branch: For up-to-date information from BC’s Archaeology Branch

Other relevant information for visitors