The Implementation Agreement for the Haida Gwaii sub-region was announced on Aug. 3, 2016.
- Implementation agreements confirm the partners’ approach to implementation of the marine plans in each sub-region and are consistent with the recommendations contained in each sub-regional marine plan.
- Implementation agreements are the formal agreements between the Province and partner First Nations that outline the intent to collaborate on marine plan implementation, organizational structures, and general provisions on how governments will work together.
Download the Haida Gwaii Implementation Agreement.
Plan Implementation, Monitoring & Amendment
The marine plan is implemented through the application of plan direction to the evaluation and management of marine uses and activities. Implementation of the marine plan will be guided and overseen through the development of a Haida Gwaii Marine Plan Implementation Agreement.
Objectives and strategies in this marine plan will be implemented on a priority basis, as set out in the Haida Gwaii Marine Plan Implementation Agreement (refer to the Haida Gwaii Marine Plan Overview for key outcomes and priority actions).
The key outcomes by topic area are:
Integrated Governance Framework
- Government-to-government frameworks.
- Ongoing stakeholder engagement.
Marine Economic Development
- Successful Haida Gwaii marine economy.
- Sustainable recreational fishery.
- Sustainable shellfish aquaculture.
EBM Monitoring and Research
- Increased monitoring and restoration of marine resources.
- Enhanced management and research.
Compliance and Enforcement
- Co-ordinated terrestrial and marine compliance and enforcement.
MPA Network Planning
- Designation of candidate marine protected areas.
Communications and Education
- Increased awareness and understanding of the marine plan.
Geographic Response Planning
- Preparedness for marine emergencies.
The goal is to implement all strategies in the marine plan over the longer term, as funding and other resources permit.
Monitoring will occur to track plan performance and plan effectiveness. The status of performance indicators will be reported each year in an annual report and a comprehensive monitoring report on the status of ecological and human well-being indicators will be published every five years.
Where appropriate, the plan will be revised over time to reflect changing circumstances and conditions as they arise. This adaptive approach is fundamental to EBM and will allow for improved management and responsible stewardship by the Haida Nation and Province of B.C. over the short and long term.
Implementation Progress, 2016-2017
Haida Gwaii sub-regional implementation activities primarily focused on governance, marine economic development, ecosystem-based monitoring, MPA network planning and related initiatives, communications and outreach, shipping-related initiatives and the management of logging-related marine activities.
Specific achievements include the completion of shellfish aquaculture carrying capacity studies for both Masset and Skidegate inlets, the collaborative development of draft Haida Gwaii log sort best management practices, and monitoring, communications and outreach work associated with Haida Gwaii aquatic invasive species.
In addition, significant progress was made towards the completion and implementation of the Haida Gwaii EBM Monitoring Plan, including monitoring a number of sub-regional indicators. Progress was also made on shipping-related initiatives, including review of procedures and pre-surveys of potential places of refuge for ships in distress in Haida Gwaii in partnership with Transport Canada.
As well, the HG-Marine Implementation Technical Team has been involved in the review of marine tenure applications through support for the Solutions Table established by the Council of the Haida Nation and Province of British Columbia through the Strategic Land Use Agreement.
Implementation Progress, 2017-2018
Implementation in 2017-2018 focused on activities associated with governance, marine economic development, ecosystem-based monitoring, Marine Protected Area (MPA) network planning, communications and outreach, shipping-related initiatives and the management of logging-related marine activities.
Specific achievements this year include establishing the Haida Gwaii Marine Management Board and establishing the Haida Gwaii Integrated Advisory Committee; finalizing several key studies and reports to support a diversified Haida Gwaii marine economy; developing and implementing a Haida Gwaii ecosystem-based management monitoring workplan for 2018-2019 and associated resource document; completing several key studies to inform a Haida Gwaii aquatic invasive species management plan; incident command training for Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) staff, leadership, and staff from partner agencies to build Haida Gwaii marine incident response preparedness capacity; and identifying and presenting Haida cultural conservation priorities as part of the MPA network planning process for the Northern Shelf Bioregion.