EBM Monitoring Program

Central Coast EBM Monitoring Program

Nuxalk Guardians conducting estuary monitoring (photo: Markus Thompson)

The vision of the Central Coast Marine Plan is to support healthy marine ecosystems, human well-being, sustainable community prosperity, and cultural resilience for future generations. The framework for achieving this vision is Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) – an adaptive approach to managing human activities that seeks to ensure the coexistence of healthy and fully functioning ecosystems and human communities. To effectively implement EBM, the Central Coast Partners are developing an EBM monitoring program to track changes in ecological health and human well-being in the Central Coast. Over time, the outputs of this program will inform adaptive management decisions by helping the Partners determine how well the Plan is achieving its aims and provide warning signs about potential or growing threats.

Throughout the MaPP planning phase (2012-2016), the Central Coast Partners worked with partners in other subregions, subject experts, and stakeholders to develop the foundations of the monitoring program. This included the selection of a balanced suite of monitoring ‘indicators’ to provide scientifically sound information which would be practical to implement. Almost 30 indicators were selected under seven reporting themes: species and habitats, sense of place and well-being, climate change and oceanography, coastal development and livelihoods, stewardship and governance, seafood, and clean water. Now that monitoring is underway for many indicators, a driving force behind the program is the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xai’xais, Nuxalk, and Wuikinuxv Guardian Watchmen, who collect data for many of the indicators related to important marine habitats and species in the Central Coast such as kelp and Dungeness crab, as well as invasive species such as European green crab. Collaborating with Nations and technical teams in other MaPP sub-regions as well as other organizations researching on the Central Coast has been an important part of building this program.

Central Coast Sub-region EBM Indicator Suite

Once fully implemented, the EBM Monitoring Program will draw on data collected by the Central Coast partners and other available sources to monitor all 29 indicators. The program will produce regular reporting for decision-makers and public audiences, which will be posted here as they become available.

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