The Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast, or MaPP, is a unique collaboration between the Province of British Columbia and 17 First Nations governments that developed marine plans for B.C.’s North Pacific coastal waters.
In March 2015, the MaPP partners and MakeWay, formerly Tides Canada Initiatives Society signed an implementation support project memorandum of understanding (the MOU), for MaPP. The MOU was supplemented by specific implementation agreements on sub-regional marine plan implementation between the Province of B.C. and the appropriate First Nation partners in each sub-region. These agreements also contain implementation provisions for actions in the Regional Action Framework.
Sub-regional marine plan implementation is led by joint implementation teams, co-chaired by a B.C. and a First Nations technical representative. Sub-regional decision-making processes will build on existing decision-making frameworks between B.C. and First Nations as appropriate. For implementation work related to the Regional Action Framework, and for consistency in achieving MaPP implementation commitments, the co-chairs of the four sub-regional implementation teams will collaborate as a regional MaPP implementation technical team.
Consistent with the structures used in the MaPP planning phase, a senior marine working group comprised of MaPP partner organizations will provide direction and oversight to the MaPP implementation phase. An executive level committee of senior leaders from the MaPP partners will address and resolve significant issues related to MaPP implementation that cannot be resolved by the marine working group. Senior sub-regional implementation bodies will provide oversight, guidance, and resolution of issues related to sub-regional MaPP implementation work. A secretariat will provide day-to-day administration and support to the MaPP implementation technical team and the marine working group.
The implementation of government-to-government structures are described in provisions of the implementation agreements developed between B.C. and each of the four sub-regional First Nation partners.

MaPP implementation structures